My entire life I learned that marriage was 50/50, a partnership. But I heard something a few years ago that completely changed my views on marriage. Marriage isn't 50/50, it isn't even 100/100. It's more like an ever shifting plane. Some days you give 90%, some days you give 10, but the thing about it is this: you both have to give all you have every day. Because when you're both giving all you have, then all you have is enough.
I absolutely love marriage helps. I
have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to them. For years I poured all that I was into being the best mother that I could be. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I failed, but my marriage would often take a back seat. And now that our kids are grown, I want to give that same dedication to my husband.
It's seems like I'm not the only person interested in making things great with my significant other. In the last few months I've read articles on
Why You Should Have Sex Every Night,
Why You Shouldn't Have Sex Every Night,
Things Every Woman Should Know,
Things Every Man Should Know, and
Why Your Spouse Should Always Come First (woops!). You know what I have learned from all of this reading? Nobody knows anything about your relationship except you and your partner. That's it. Everyone else can have tons of opinions about what will make it better, but the only two people that know how to make it work are you. So ask for advice, read up on what works best for others, but in the end, it's the two of you. And marriage works when you work. So work it.