Today's assignment is to take five minutes to be thankful for the blessings you have in your life. I feel like this post will almost be a repeat of the A - Z post so I'll try to avoid the obvious things I've already thanked for.
I'm thankful for my health. Being sick is no fun, but being terminally ill is worse. I can handle sickness, as long as wellness follows.
I'm thankful for my senses. My papa became blind in his later years. I always wondered what it would be like. But I've stubbed my toe in the dark enough to make me glad that I am not. I can't imagine living without any of my senses, and I am grateful I haven't had to.
I'm grateful for love. "Love is the most powerful thing on earth. I've seen what it can do, and it can do amazing things. Sometimes I imagine a world where everyone knows of love that's unconditional. And what a beautiful world it is." - Unconditional
I'm thankful for mercy. I have a sign on my bar that says "His mercies are new every morning because our messes are new every day!" Amen to that!
I'm thankful for you. Yes you who are reading this. Because writing these helps me to get my crap out, but having someone read it and tell me they appreciate makes me feel less alone. When you tell me that you read my post and you related to it, then suddenly I'm not isolated. I'm in a world full of people who have the same hopes, dreams, and fears as me. And that is a pretty cool thing.
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