First off let me say that I'm sorry it has taken me so long to finish this gratitude challenge. The holidays have been especially challenging this year and there are times when I just don't feel like posting anything. And the last couple of weeks have been one of those times. I've decided rather than try to keep up with any schedule of posting for now I will just post when I want to post. That way when I'm feeling down I don't feel the added pressure of trying to post. K? k
The last week of the thankfulness challenge is titled Be grateful for who you are. Rather than try and break these down individually I figured I'd just attack this one thing head on and post 5 reasons I am grateful for who I am. This should be good.. (said with a note of sarcasm)
1. I am glad that I have a (mostly) positive outlook. No matter what happens in my life I can usually find the good in it.
2. I am thankful for my face and hair. Though I'm not entirely thrilled with my face right now because of the weight gain I'd experienced since my mom died I do like it. I like my eyes especially.
3. I'm thankful for my health. As I age more aches and pains crop up than I thought were possible.. I mean heck, I'm only 39. But even so I am so very blessed. I have all of my limbs, my senses. I have full use of all of my faculties.
4. I am grateful for my attitude. I guess this kinda goes along with the first one. But I'm not only an optimist. I try not to force anyone else to have my opinion. Instead I try to live my life in such a way that they'll ask "What makes her different?" And then I can tell them :)
5. I'm grateful for my family, both immediate and extended, by blood and by choice. Because they make me who I am today.
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