I am not much of a New Year's Resolution gal. Mostly because I never end up keeping them anyways, so why bother making them? A couple of weeks ago I was clicking from link to link skipping through the web one craft page at a time when I hit a really interesting post. I have tried in vain to find it again because I really wanted to share it here. This crafty woman had made a list of 12 things she wanted to accomplish throughout the year. I happened to catch the year end version of this where she was detailing said crafts and the various blog posts about them. One craft a month is a bit too ambitious for me. Heck the list I made for myself is a bit too ambitious for me. But I thought, why not? So throwing caution to the wind here are the ten things I hope to make/do this year:
I found
this recipe when someone posted it on facebook. The thing that sold me on trying it was another mother whose son apparently works in fast food. And nothing had removed that fast food grease smell from his work clothes, except this! (or so she claimed) Well with three fast food workers in my house at the moment I could surely use something that will get that smell out. I'll actually be doing this really soon, I've already bought all of my supplies and I'm just trying to get motivated to make it. Soon....
Isn't that just awesome? And it's knitted on your fingers! I mean daaang. I plan to go through my yarn and try this one out ASAP. It just looks too cool not to do.
I have a butterfly punch that I've been looking for a project for. So this was added to my to do list.
I'm a big girl. I know y'all didn't know that because I keep it such a secret. And when I cook or clean, I make a mess. Usually a big one. But it is really, really hard to find an apron that I like or that fits me. I love
this pattern, it seems fairly simple and I think I can measure my fabric to fit me the way I want. So I'm going to give this a shot.
I have gotten out of the habit of making a meal plan, but that is wreaking havoc on my diet and my life. Things are so much easier when I can just glance at a sheet and know what I need to do for that day. And I love this idea. I plan to add magnets to the back of it so I can put it on my refrigerator. We'll see how that works out.
Come on, admit it. That just looks cool as heck and you want to try it to!
Ok confession time. I live in a mud pit. I do not say that lightly. The path that leads from where we park (which is solid red mud when it rains) to the porch has no walkway. There used to be grass there but after years of people walking the same path the grass has died and now it's just mud. I also want to get some gravel for our driveway/parking area. But I can do this project fairly cheaply and at least we won't be walking in mud the whole way, right? OK shut up, I know we need to get some gravel.
Crochet Bubble Blanket isn't exactly the technical term for this blanket. But look at it. Shouldn't it be called that? I mean seriously, that's just what it is. The pattern here is for a baby blanket, but I'm thinking if I double the amount of initial chain then maybe I can get a nice throw out of it. It's worth a shot. That is if I can ever get myself motivated to start it. Then to keep at it. I swore I was never doing a blanket again. We'll see if I actually do this one.
My mama used to make these
all the time. We had so many of them and I couldn't tell you where a single one is now. My dad now has all of mama's houseplants and so I thought I'd try my hand at making one for him. If it goes well I may do more than one. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We all know that I'm all talk and very little action.

Ok no pics on this one because the current state of the bathroom is deplorable. Besides you'll see it when we do the reno. The kids bathroom is tiny. And I don't mean like "Oh my bathroom is so little, I just have no idea what to do with it" When it has a double sink, linen closet, and a separate bathtub and shower. I mean 8x10, barely enough room to move, TINY! And though the room won't actually get any bigger it, like most of this house, is in a state of disrepair. And I'm tired of it. I'm really tired of living in a house that looks like it should be condemned. So I chose the thing that I felt I could go after cheapest and easiest to do first. The kids bathroom. I'll detail what we'll be doing when and if I do a post about this. Which I do plan to do. But ya know, I plan a lot of things. Happy new year!
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