Monday, March 25, 2013

Mama said there'd be days like this...

Life has been so hectic lately and I can not for the life of me figure out why.  I'm feeling very stressed, anxious, and uncomfortable when I thought that at this point I would be feeling better. About a month ago I took my daughter to get her license. Now before I took her my days looked a little like this:


So I babysit my nephews Monday - Friday and sometimes on Saturdays. I took Bugs (my daughter) to dance 3 days a week and to work the rest of the days. There was never a dull moment and I was pooped. It isn't like I was doing that much. It's just that in all the running it was hard to get dinner cooked and housework finished. My husband works second shift which means he's asleep in the mornings. Our house is terrible for insulating sounds. You can hear pretty much everything from every room.  So in the mornings I spent time playing with Lolo and doing as little housework as possible so as not do disturb hubby.  He left the house at 2pm which is when my running started. Needless to say it was a pain to try and get everything done.

Well since my daughter has her license my running has been all but cut out. I still take the kids to and from school, and I grocery shop on Thursdays.  Aside from that I am pretty much a homebody. And yet I still feel like I have no time to do anything.  I spend my afternoons being absolutely lazy to the point that I am rushing to clean my house at the last minute before I head to bed. I figured once she was driving our meal times would get back to a civilized hour. But so far I end up cooking around 6pm which means we're eating closer to 7.  

I have no reason for this except laziness. At first I told myself that I was just so burnt out from the constant going that I needed a few days to just unwind. It was no big deal. And it wouldn't have been if it had been a few days, but it's been a few weeks. And here I sit doing nothing still. My housework is getting done, but not to the standard that I would like it to. And I spend way too much time sitting on my tucus instead of doing something productive. Like excercising. It's great to make all these fine goals, but what good are they if you never do anything with them?  I need to get motivated again.  Now if I could only figure out how~ 

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