Ok so I'm late, it's been a rough couple of weeks and I hope you'll understand. I say you meaning all 1 of you who actually check this thing to see if I have posted lol Too much clutter in my brain for an actual post, so without further ado, time for another episode of TIDBITS!
~ The stomach bug bit our family. The last two weeks have been vomit and poop filled in our house and we're just about sick of it.... literally. TMI? My radar is off, forgive me
~ I've revamped my "diet" goals once again. Actually counting calories is driving me nuts. And I really want to just eat real food. I think it would be better for my family and for me. And as an added benefit I should lose weight. Because if I cut out all of the processed foods and sugar, well that has to have some effect, right? So that's where were at now.
~ To ^ that end I have begun cooking real meals again. I had actually started this before, then I got super lazy and quit. But when I was cooking I enjoyed my food more and I ate a lot less. So I broke down and made a meal plan for this week, and then I did my grocery shopping according to it. I also did my best to avoid the dirty dozen when I purchased my groceries and WOW! organic food is EXPENSIVE! Why must it cost more to eat better? ;_; I found an Earth Fare in Greenville which is about an hours drive away from me and a farmers market in Easley which is even closer. I think between the two I should be able to do my shopping without breaking the bank and help us eat better as well. We'll see.
~ Also on the diet front I haven't been to the gym in.. a month? At least. It isn't as if I am sitting on my hands all day. I just haven't really had the time or the inclination. Though I am not working out daily, which I do need to be doing. In about 8 weeks my family heads to the beach. I really want to drop some weight before them.
~ Summer is quickly approaching and I am SUPER excited. I absolutely love the outdoors. And once it warms up I'd rather be outside than in. We'll be going to the beach which I am super excited about. Add to that the numerous camping, boating, picnics, and other outdoor adventures we'll be doing this summer and I am totally psyched. Plus this will probably be our last summer together as a family.
~ I'm planting my garden within the next week or so which will help me a lot. Those things need tending ;) So that'll be added exercise for me. And I love the fresh produce. Plus it saves on the grocery bill so YAY!
~ We're getting ready for prom. When I say we I mean my daughter of course but anyone who knows me knows I live vicariously through my children. And so I'm loving all of the prep for it. We've gone shopping for her dress and have set up her hair appointment. A friend is going to do her makeup, or she will, that changes by the minute. And things are rolling. And as excited as I am, I'm also apprehensive. My baby is going to graduate in 8 weeks. My baby. Do you understand that? And she's probably the one I am closest to of my children. My boys I love dearly as well, but they're boys. I can't talk to them about menstrual cycles and breast soreness. I can't believe they'll be gone soon. So not ready for that.
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