Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 12 - 14

Day 12 was about having a positive outlook on life. I try really hard to do this anyways but I really do fail quite often. It's the little things that irritate me, and sometimes it's nothing at all.  Have you ever had one of those days where you're just snappy and peckish but you can't figure out why?  I have those. The kind of days that I snap at everyone around me and my family spends the day asking "Are you mad at me?"  I've been trying harder to stop being that way. If I catch my self being snappy or hateful I reign it in and ask myself why I am upset.  And if I don't have a reason, well then it is time for me to get over myself. I won't say I've mastered this positive outlook thing, but I'm definitely getting better. The next challenge was to pick three family members and view their actions and gestures through a positive lens. Since this felt like the same thing as the day before I'm lumping them together.

And the final day in the week of being grateful for everything around you is simply to tell how this challenge has changed you. I haven't really enjoyed this week as much as the first because I feel like I try to be thankful about everything I have on a daily basis already.  But one thing I did realize was just how often I nitpick and needle and gripe about silly things. I really want to try and move past that and just be grateful for every person in my life. And not worry about what I perceive their flaws to be. Because Lord knows I have enough of those myself.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank you Notes and more

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life we assume that people know that we appreciate them. But it's always nice to hear it.  So today I'm going to write a few people a little thank you to let them know what they mean to me.  I won't be posting these here because this is a personal thing that I prefer to keep between me and them. But I encourage you to do the same.  Think about your life, is there someone who is always there to help you out? A shoulder you know you can lean on in times of need?  People who you are grateful to have in your life but haven't actually told them so in a while? Take a minute today and send a little note of thanks to that person.  Sometimes a thank you can make the whole world seem brighter.

By Flickr user vistamommy [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

 I think I already covered this one in the first week. So let me just take a moment to thank some of those I didn't cover then.  Thank you Emily for always being silly and sweet and making me smile. Thank you Drew for being a voice of reason and an open ear anytime I need to chat.  Thank you Ashley for being a sweet heart and sharing so openly with me.  And thank you to everyone else I know because you are all awesome people and I am glad you're in my life.

The human eye
By Aravind Sivaraj (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
I am not exactly sure what I'm supposed to write about (this grattitude challenge is kinda bogus y'all. I feel like I'm writing about the same things over and over).  But the things I've seen today that I am glad I could see are: smiles, nature, my family.

I do this daily, because Logan is always here and it's easy to see everything through his eyes. He's a little bundle of joy and energy. So I am grateful for the time I get to spend with the little wild man. Soon he'll be off to school and that time will be over. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 6 & 7

Sorry for the non-post yesterday. My beautiful daughter brought home the stomach bug and the whole house decided to share it. And yesterday was my day, YAY! /sarcasm

Day six was to call someone you haven't spoken with in a while and tell them how much you appreciate them.  I haven't done it yet honestly, still recuperating. I'll take care of that tomorrow and update my post when I do :)

I am eternally grateful for every moment I spent with my mama.  She was an amazing woman and I am the woman I am today because of her.  Thank you God for giving me her and her me.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Taking stock

Today's assignment is to take five minutes to be thankful for the blessings you have in your life. I feel like this post will almost be a repeat of the A - Z post so I'll try to avoid the obvious things I've already thanked for.

I'm thankful for my health.  Being sick is no fun, but being terminally ill is worse.  I can handle sickness, as long as wellness follows.

I'm thankful for my senses.  My papa became blind in his later years. I always wondered what it would be like. But I've stubbed my toe in the dark enough to make me glad that I am not.  I can't imagine living without any of my senses, and I am grateful I haven't had to.

I'm grateful for love.  "Love is the most powerful thing on earth. I've seen what it can do, and it can do amazing things. Sometimes I imagine a world where everyone knows of love that's unconditional. And what a beautiful world it is." - Unconditional 

I'm thankful for mercy. I have a sign on my bar that says "His mercies are new every morning because our messes are new every day!"   Amen to that!

I'm thankful for you.  Yes you who are reading this. Because writing these helps me to get my crap out, but having someone read it and tell me they appreciate makes me feel less alone.  When you tell me that you read my post and you related to it, then suddenly I'm not isolated. I'm in a world full of people who have the same hopes, dreams, and fears as me. And that is a pretty cool thing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Accentuate the positive

Today's challenge is about being thankful for the negative things in your life. The only negative things I can think of are the fact that my mom is gone and my husband's insane work schedule.
I am thankful that my mom is no longer suffering. And I appreciate the fact that my husband has a desk job at least. He still works entirely too hard. But at least he can sit down occasionally. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thank you

Every challenge in week one of this is about being grateful for what you have. And one of the greatest things that I have in my life are my friends and family.  My husband is probably the most steadying force I have in my life right now.  He and I have been through just about everything together. And I can't imagine anyone being a better fit for my life than him.  I have three beautiful children who keep me on my toes at all times. But who are also some of my best friends.  Shane knows just how to make me laugh. Matt will still give me a  hug daily, and Amanda will dance around and be silly with me. They keep me young and happy.  My beautiful sister is always there to listen when I need to gripe, to pick me up when I fall down, and to just help in any way she can. I love her to pieces and I don't tell her that enough.  I have an awesome brother who helps to keep the family together with dinners and fun plans. My dad is always up to assist in any way he can. I know if I need him all I have to do is pick up the phone. I have nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins. All just a phone call away. And I appreciate that I am so close to my family, not only my immediate but also extended.

I have some of the very best friends in the world.  In fact the people that I consider my best friends I don't really consider friends so much as an extension of my family.   Bobby has been there every time I needed someone to talk to over the last few years. He's listened to me complain, cry, and carry on. And he always tells me "It'll be fine." And I think that's the biggest reason I love talking to him. Because he's always so sure that whatever it is, it will be fine.  Nina will check in with me no matter how busy her life is. She always wants to make sure that I am doing ok. Jessica and I have been friends for about 7 years and she's the same way. She's one of those friends that it doesn't matter if you haven't spoken to her in 6 months. Within two minutes of starting a conversation you are carrying on like it hasn't been a day since you last spoke.  Claudia is my little cheerleader in my weight loss battle. No matter how many times I mess up, or how much I want to give up she's always there telling me to keep going. That I can do it.  And Glynn is the stoic quite one who doesn't talk much, but I enjoy our conversations all the same.  

I love you guys, all of you. And thanks for being here for me. We've been through a lot. And I hope to carry you with me through the many more ups and downs I'm sure I'll have in my life.  And hopefully I can be there for you as well. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The A - Zs of Thankfulness

Authenticity, apples - which are quickly becoming my favorite fruit, and  adorable little boys

Being a mom - the best job I've ever had, best friends who keep me grounded, beautiful sunsets, brothers, and good books 

Chocolate - who isn't thankful for chocolate?, Curious George cause those adorable boys will sit still for George, and cousins - even though the drive us crazy sometimes, we still remember our times with them fondly.

Daddy- who taught me what a man should be, devotions to keep me sane and grounded, and deviled eggscause thanksgiving dinner wouldn't be complete without them

Energy - because I've seen what life without the energy to live is like

Family, friends, freedom

Grace  and giving - because it makes me feel good

Hubby - my soul mate, he makes my life complete and home - there's no place like it.

Integrity, Inspiration, Imagination 

Jesus, Joy 

Kisses, keepsakes - that make me feel closer to mom, and kindness

Love, laughter, learning 

Music, mommy-and-me dates, and  those in the military - for giving so much for my freedom

New days and new friends

Ocean, opportunities

Pictures, prayers, and pets - Gracie who was mama's constant companion. Preacher, who still talks just like her. The dogs here that all came from her.

Quotes that inspire me and quilts to snuggle up in

Roof over my head, rainy days, the ring on my finger and what it represents 

Senses, sunny days, sisters, and snuggles

Tears that heal, time that does the same, and travel 

Umbrellas which keep me dry on the rainy days and God's unfailing love

Vehicle which carries me everywhere, vacations that help me rejuvinate, and voting - because women couldn't always

Water - not every one has access to clean, fresh drinking water, a sense of wonder when you see things through a childs eyes again, and wind that cools on a hot summer day 

"x" the little mark that means something is done on a list, like this one, almost finished ;)

Years I have lived and all I've learned from them, yesterdays that make me thankful for tomorrows, and yearning which keeps me always moving forward.

Zumba - I hate it, but it did give me and my sister some good laughs :), Zeal to live not just exist, and ziploc bags in the freezer full of goodies from our garden.

Friday, November 1, 2013

grat·i·tude ˈgratəˌt(y)o͞od/

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

In my last post I said that I wanted to start doing one challenge every November. Well since this is the month we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. I decided that would be the perfect place to start.  For the month of November, I will be doing the Gratitude Challenge. Some of these posts may be really short. And some of them may be really long.  But there is one thing they will all have in common, gratitude.

Going through the last couple of years has taught me that I have a lot to be thankful for in my life.I try to count my blessings often. But sometimes I get caught up in my own self-pity and begin to get a case of they "Why me, Lord?" blues. It's in those moments I try to take a look at the world around me and remember it could always be worse. And that's what I hope to accomplish with this challenge. I want to snap myself out of the mopey mood I've been in since June and count my many blessings.