Saturday, November 2, 2013

The A - Zs of Thankfulness

Authenticity, apples - which are quickly becoming my favorite fruit, and  adorable little boys

Being a mom - the best job I've ever had, best friends who keep me grounded, beautiful sunsets, brothers, and good books 

Chocolate - who isn't thankful for chocolate?, Curious George cause those adorable boys will sit still for George, and cousins - even though the drive us crazy sometimes, we still remember our times with them fondly.

Daddy- who taught me what a man should be, devotions to keep me sane and grounded, and deviled eggscause thanksgiving dinner wouldn't be complete without them

Energy - because I've seen what life without the energy to live is like

Family, friends, freedom

Grace  and giving - because it makes me feel good

Hubby - my soul mate, he makes my life complete and home - there's no place like it.

Integrity, Inspiration, Imagination 

Jesus, Joy 

Kisses, keepsakes - that make me feel closer to mom, and kindness

Love, laughter, learning 

Music, mommy-and-me dates, and  those in the military - for giving so much for my freedom

New days and new friends

Ocean, opportunities

Pictures, prayers, and pets - Gracie who was mama's constant companion. Preacher, who still talks just like her. The dogs here that all came from her.

Quotes that inspire me and quilts to snuggle up in

Roof over my head, rainy days, the ring on my finger and what it represents 

Senses, sunny days, sisters, and snuggles

Tears that heal, time that does the same, and travel 

Umbrellas which keep me dry on the rainy days and God's unfailing love

Vehicle which carries me everywhere, vacations that help me rejuvinate, and voting - because women couldn't always

Water - not every one has access to clean, fresh drinking water, a sense of wonder when you see things through a childs eyes again, and wind that cools on a hot summer day 

"x" the little mark that means something is done on a list, like this one, almost finished ;)

Years I have lived and all I've learned from them, yesterdays that make me thankful for tomorrows, and yearning which keeps me always moving forward.

Zumba - I hate it, but it did give me and my sister some good laughs :), Zeal to live not just exist, and ziploc bags in the freezer full of goodies from our garden.

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